Enroll in the 700 Credit Score Academy Today

Enroll in The 700 Credit Score Academy Today

How to Obtain a 700 Credit Score So You Can Finally get approved for the things you deserve financially

Introducing the 700 Credit Score Academy™

The 700 Credit Score Academy is a proven and tested 10-week implementation program designed to help you achieve a 700 credit score so you can finally get approved for the things you deserve financially.

The program also comes with an e-learning academy. You can complete the training from any desktop or mobile device, anytime, anywhere.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.

The Credit Transformation Process

To improve your credit and change your life, credit repair is not enough, you need education an environment

Proven process

What we show you how to do

  1. Online and offline data suppression
  2. Challenging negative accounts, personal identifiers, and non-account holding inquires, etc.
  3. Communicate with the credit agencies for favorable results
  4. Leverage your consumer FCRA rights

Credit Community

How you stay connected

It’s hard to change your life when you’re surrounded by the people you’ve always been with. Our students join a worldwide community of others on the same path so that dreams aren’t laughed at but achieved on a daily basis.


What you do on your own

Everyone needs help and advice when tackling new challenges but true experts are out of reach for most people. Our students get 24/7/365 access to credit experts on Facebook, weekly Q&A calls and email.

Credit Coaching

What we do with you

  1. When, where and how to build new credit
  2. How to apply for new credit doing the challenging process without being denied
  3. How to lower your credit utilization systematically
  4. How to manage your cash flow and credit

Online learning academy

When you join the Credit Coaching program you get access to our revolutionary e-learning platform. We provide the 10-week training in multiple formats so you can learn the way that best suits you. Watch the training videos in HD video, listen to mp3 recordings, or read the transcripts. Access the training online from any desktop or mobile device anywhere in the world anytime you like.

Absolute satisfaction guarantee

Try the program risk-free and if you’re not happy with it ask for a refund within 72 hours and we’ll refund you in full.

Program content and schedule

In just 10 weeks we’ll help you completely transform your credit score, here’s how

92 Modules
  • Week 1: The Journey to a 700 Credit Score
    6 Modules
    • Program Overview & The Road Ahead

      A full overview of the entire program and what to expect with this program. This is by far the most important module of this entire academy.

      • The Purpose of this Program – Financial Leverage, Education and Power
      • General Housekeeping
      • Important things to remember
      • Program overview
      • Why we Created this Program
      • The Impact we plan to make
    • The 700 Credit Score Mindset

      This module is about shifting your mentality. This video will help you develop the habits to achieve and maintain a 700 Credit score.

    • Obtaining Excellent Credit: Old Way vs. New Way

      This module is about shifting your viewpoint about how this process actually works. This lesson will help you shift your perspective to the new way of improving your credit

      • Credit “Quick Fixes” and how to avoid them
      • The online disputing myth
      • How to stop being an emotional score watcher
      • The only 4 things that matter when improving your credit
    • Credit 101 – Understanding the Algorithm: How to kick bad credit’s ASS!

      This module is about understanding the credit algorithm so you can get it to work in your favor. This lesson with breakdown the entire credit rating system all the way down to the points.

      • 700 CSA Overview
      • Fico vs. Vantage score
      • Vantage score breakdown
      • FICO score breakdown
      • Total available points
      • Credit report vs Credit Score
      • Credit report content is King
    • The Secret Behind Excellent Credit

      In this module, I cover the biggest kept secret when improving your credit. In the 700 credit score mindset I covered some very important principle when in comes to thinking about perfect credit.

      • The first step to perfect credit
      • Your brain and excellent credit
      • How to transition from lack to abundance
      • The 4 basics of success
      • Natural laws and your credit
    • The 700 CSA Facebook Group

      Welcome to the 700 Credit Score Revolution and here’s to your success! Here we learn how to dominate and become whoever we want to be with our credit and finances! If you’re wondering if it works – it works. If you’re wondering if people are getting results – they are. If you think you know everything already – you don’t. If you’re wondering how you can get results – here’s how:

      • Do the work
      • Ask for help in the group
      • Challenge negative items on your credit
      • Pay your bills on time + build credit
      • Repeat

Here’s a summary of everything you get

We’ll help you start your journey towards a 700 credit score, here’s how

The 700 Credit Score Academy™

  •  ​10 Week implementation Program
  •  Online Learning Academy
  •  ​Community + Weekly Q&A Calls
  •  ​The Template Letter Generator
  •  ​The Revolving Credit Blueprint
  •  ​The Credit Card Tier System

Absolute satisfaction guarantee

Try the program risk-free and if you’re not happy with it ask for a refund within 72 hours and we’ll refund you in full.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Have a question about the program? Check out our frequently asked questions and answers

How do I know this will work for me?

GREAT question! The 700 Credit Score Academy is different from other programs… we just don’t focus on removing the negative items from your credit report only. We are a comprehensive financial education platform with the goal of helping you leverage your credit to build wealth once you’re in a position to do so.

The program is designed to work with your specific skills, background, and current situation. People are different and credit is not a “1 size fits all” sort of game. The program begins with auditing what’s negatively impacting your reports the most. We then educate you on different strategies to start building credit. We show you a proven process to help you clean your glass, put ice in the glass (establish new credit accounts) then pour water in your glass (adding credit history and applying big-ticket items)

The program has an extremely high success rate and has one of the best track records in the US. This is largely due to the fact that the program is made to help you implement proven strategies to build credit while showing you how to legally remove negative items reporting on your report.

If you’re wondering if this program will work for you the answer is very clear, YES and we have the track record to prove it. You are also 100% covered, safe, and protected with our 72-hour money-back guarantee. Simply try the program out and if it doesn’t work for you just ask us for a full refund and we’ll happily do that – no skin off your back.

How long until I start seeing results from this program?

Why is it so expensive?

Is there a payment plan to help split the payments up and make it more affordable?

Who is this Kenney Conwell person and why him?

Are there any hidden costs?

What do I get when I join?

I’ve done these programs before and they don’t get completed or I don’t get any results with them?

How does the refund guarantee work?

What kind of support do I get in this program?

When does this program start and what happens if I miss a class or go on a vacation?

What if I’m not ready now? Can you hold my spot for a few months?

Can I buy only a portion of the program because I only need help with ________?

Do I get one-on-one access to Kenney Conwell personally?

The 700 Credit Score Academy

$997 or do a payment plan

$3,497 Everyday price

Join the 700 Credit Score Academy

The 700 Credit Score Academy

$997 or do a payment plan

$3,497 Everyday price

Join the 700 Credit Score Academy