Welcome to Step 1 of the Credit Enhancement formula. You will find all our training below, just click the links to access the videos
Once you have decided you want to rebuild or improve your credit, the first step is knowing where you currently stand. This is a fairly simple step, which involves getting your 3 major credit reports. The 3 major credit bureaus are: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Getting a credit report from each of them is vital because each credit report could be (and usually are) different. You may have a derogatory account or an inaccurate account on 1 credit report but not on any other credit report. That’s why getting 1 of each is so important!
Pulling Your Big 3 Credit Reports and Scores
Click here to get your score for free
We need to make sure we get all the negative items removed from all 3 credit bureaus.
We prefer you sign up for Identity IQ. It’s only $1 to sign up for 7 days and then $19.99 mo afterwards.
This will allow you the ability to watch things fall off and get updated as your credit coach works on your file.
Should you keep this service? Yes we would like for you to use this monitoring service for these reasons:
1. You will be able to monitor your 3 Bureau Credit Report & Scores. Credit Karma is not an actual credit score and only shows your Transunion and Equifax Report
2. We need to get account numbers from these reports. If any new items pop up and you don’t have a monitoring service we will not be able to attack them and have them deleted.
3. You need to protect yourself from Identity Theft this service comes with $50,000 ID Theft Insurance
Getting Your Score For Free
Your Other 3 Credit Reports
As you know there are 3 major credit reporting agencies. We call them the Big 3
But you may NOT know there are three other reporting agencies as well. The following providers provide information to the major agencies. This is how negative items are verified. However, There’s not a person that sits and verifies all your negative items it’s automated. So we want to silence them from sharing your information. The next step in this process is pulling your other three credit reports. Please follow these steps in there entirety.

Step 1: Call SageStream to Request your consumer report and verbally freeze and suppress your report.
Call: (888)395-0277
Step 2:
Request Your Consumer Report Here
For best results we suggest you do all of these:
1. Mail Request
2. Fax Request
3. Call and Request

Step 1. Call and request your Lexus Nexus Consumer Report. It will be sent via mail.
Call: 1(888)-497-0011
Choose option 1 then Option 2
Step 2. Complete this online form to request freeze as well
Complete Online Freeze Request Here
If they ask why your requesting your report tell them it’s it your right to see what they are reporting and you want to see

Step 1: Call: 1-800-540-2505 to request your free report and silence them by requesting a free on your consumer profile.
Request your Consumer Report Here
Click here to Free Your Reports Here
Note: When you click this form Select
(Request Security Freeze) then complete the form.
They will give you a confirmation number