9. Business Website + Logo
About This Lesson
In this lesson, we’re going to cover the following:
- Create Your Website
- Website pages
- Hire a contractor to build your website
- Get A Business Logo
- Hire a contractor for a Logo
- Hire a contractor on Fiverr to build your site
- Hire a contractor on Fiverr to create your logo
- WordPress Cpanel Instruction s PowerPoint
- Step-by-Step Instructions
- Wix.com
WordPress Template downloads
Full Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to this module Business Website and a Logo. So this is going to be the branding side of your business. So we’ve done quite a few things at this point to set everything up. And we are at the finishing touches of creating a credit optimized company. So here’s what we’re going to cover in this one specifically. So, where are you going to business logo then also to get a free website template, where to hire a contractor to help you build the website. So you can do this yourself, uh, but I’m just going to recommend that you use a contractor to do this. If you don’t want to spend the tedious time, or you don’t have a previous web design background, and please do not email support asking us to build out your website because we are not website designers, I’m just providing resources to you.
So that way you can be empowered to get this done in your own as an entrepreneur. Where to hire a contractor to help you create your logo. So again, could you do this yourself. You could. But you can just get somebody to do it. And the other thing is too, as I’m saying this, I don’t want you to guys to overcomplicate this, just get the stuff done. So that way you can have this checked off on the web on the deal. You don’t have to build out an elaborate website and spend all this money on a website, all that stuff’s irrelevant. And then having it a free logo templates. So, credit bureaus, lenders, and vendors, they are going to judge your company based on the relatively small number of criteria. So we want to make sure we put our best foot forward when it comes to everything that they can see.
So a website is one of those very important things that they’re going to look for. So that’s why when we’re doing a quick Google search for your company, there’ll be able to see really relevant, basic posts and things about your business in a website is going to be one of those things. So there’s so many different options when it comes to building out a website, but I don’t recommend any of those options. I recommend WordPress. I built most of my companies and sites on WordPress. It’s easy to use. It’s real easy to do customizations. And then getting a custom built website can really cost you a lot of money. $3000 to $5,000. The MyMoneyEDU website costs so much to build out. But I’ve done so much development behind it. It’s just, you know, it’s not even, I won’t even what I just wrote.
So it’s that it’s not necessary for you guys to do this. Really. All you need to do is just use the template below connect hosting, and then add the text and you can have it all done in less than an hour. And then basically what I’ve done is the template is right below this video is about 90% complete. So all you need to do is hire a developer on fiverr, and this can cost you anywhere between $50 to $100 to finished the website set up. And it’s a basic professional site with your company logo, address information about the company and the contact information. For most, it’s going to basically be the company address information about the company, which you’ll have to come up with and then the contact info, which is that’s all that’s really needed. The contact information info is your contact information in the website.
So if I’m doing this, I would just say if it’s a business management website, Hey, look, Thank you so much for calling. Thank you so much for reaching out to Conwell Enterprises. We are a Business Management Company. We specialize in personal development, business management services in the private sector. Our clients typically like getting the best rate of return. Just make something up, go find somebody who does business management and then just really just copy paste and duplicate the information that they have on their site, and then make it specific to yours. We don’t have to, we don’t have to do too much here. The point I’m making is that we just want to get this knocked out. And when it comes to logos, it doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated. And in fact, it can be really, really simple, clean, concise design.
It’s it’s easy. We just want to make sure we get the logo place on the website. And we use that logo on the social media accounts, the company letterhead had business cards, any other plates that you’re going to see that particular logo. So again, it’s not too difficult to get this. You don’t need to spend more than 10 minutes or $10 on this step. You can use a free logo template, um, or you can essentially go to Fiverr, which is what I want to recommend. And you can do that as well. So the template is not that difficult to use. So I’m going to go ahead and get out of this particular deal and go bright below this video. And then you’ll notice that if you want to hire a contractor to build your website on fiverr, you can do that. Now one thing is, you’ll see the WordPress download Template download.
Okay? So once you click on this, you’ll need to be in Google Drive or you’ll need to have Gmail already opened up and then you’ll see everything to install the website. Now you can sure you can attempt to figure this stuff out on your own. You definitely can. And if you want to, I’ve included the C panel Instructions PowerPoint to, to attempt to do this now. In full transparency, I had my team do this and they don’t, they don’t design websites. Help them search the internet. So you can figure this out on your own or what you can do is you can reach out to Fiverr. You can go right here where it says, hire a contractor on fiverr, and you can just find a contractor who knows how to build out WordPress design. So you can see there’s a number of different ones.
Here’s one right here, professional website design. We can see WordPress right there in Squarespace, and don’t get sucked in guys. We already have the WordPress. Here’s a WordPress design. And remember, like I was saying before, it’s always important to look at these person’s reviews. Here’s another person that can potentially do that. Develop your dream website. They’re starting at 50 bucks a month, you know, $50. And you can see, they have several reviews and they have different options here that they can build out right here. And if we scroll down, you can see they have a $50 option, $80 option, and then $180 option. I mean, it’s pretty simple stuff. So, get in here, find somebody who can help you build the website out. Let me go right back over here to website design really quickly. And let me see if we can find somebody with WordPress.
So again, this is not that difficult. WordPress, nice and easy, search. And then you can find somebody who can fix your WordPress website or build your WordPress website right there. Because just so I’m clear, the template that I’m providing is a WordPress template. So when you’re reaching out to the fiverr people, you would just letting them know, Hey, look, here’s, here’s somebody you could potentially look into. And this guy’s got a lot of different reviews. So again, you see how I’m doing this. But essentially the WordPress template is going to pop up in this Google drive. So you have the installer right here, and you’ve got the website template right here with all the information. And it’s very, very complicated stuff. If you’re not familiar with WordPress. And then you’ve got the actual WordPress template instructions right here and really what to do.
So you, you wanna, you, you would already have a domain name if you would have bought your email address. So you would just use that same exact domain name. And here’s all the information right here on how to do it really, really quick, really, really simple, straight to the point. You can get it done and you’ll be good to go. And the same exact thing holds true for the, for the, for the logo. So I would highly recommend that you go ahead and get this logo stuff knocked out, and the in the link i’m bringing you, it’s taking you straight to the, the, the, logo options. So if you want to do a minimalist design, these are all the people who just do simple logo design. So you can come right here. And just, again, it doesn’t have to be a lot of information.
Guys do not spend too much time on this. So here’s somebody who can design a quick logo for you. Nice and easy, get it done. Boom, provide the logo to the person with your website, and you’re good to go. Okay. So I’ve included all the instructions here on how to get this done, all the resources, get this knocked out. And then once you have this finished, you’ll be able to build out the last step with the Social Media Presence. And we can keep on moving forward. And again, I want to make this clear. We are not web developers here at MyMoneyEDU. Our team is not gonna be able to answer any tech questions about websites. I’m providing you all the resources. So that way you can get this knocked out on your own. Okay. I’ll see you in the next module.