Experian Business Credit Reports
About This Lesson
In this lesson, we’re going to cover the following:
- Experian Business Intelliscore Plus
Full Video Transcript
Hello, and welcome to this module, Experian business credit reports. So this is going to be a really quick module. I’m just going to show you step by step, how to really set up your Experian profile, and really what to look out for. So really all I’m going to cover is your Experian business and intelliscore, plus how that’s calculated then where to go get your Experian business credit report. So your Experian intelliscore plus as outlined or basically your business credit report for Experian, and really what it is going to do is this predict the risk of your business being seriously delinquent over the next 90 days or late or late. Um, it’s also going to have a range between zero to a hundred, the higher your range, the better it’s going to have a complex scoring system. Very, very similar to personal credit scores.
Like I was saying before on business credit reports and it’s based on over 800 variables, it’s going to be a percentile score, which ranked your businesses against all other businesses. So for example, if your score is an 80, that means it’s higher than 79% of businesses and then lower than 20% of businesses. So right below this video, you’ll see a link to the Experian intelliscore, right here. You’ll want to click on this. And then when you do, it’s going to bring you to this page right here. And just like when you’re doing your Dun and Bradstreet number, you want to search to see if your company already has one of these set-up, and I’m going to just show you really quickly. I’m going to show you one of my companies, if we were to search this company and I already have an Experian intelliscore, but I’m just going to show you what you would do.
You would just search your company. And then right here, you can click, um, you know, the company that’s most congruent with yours, mine’s this one, mine is this one. So I would just click on proceed. And then right here, you would choose the type of report you want to get. Now, you can, what I would recommend is doing either the business valuation report for $99 or, um, you can do, I would actually just go ahead and recommend getting the business credit advantage, because this is an annual thing. And then you’re going to get unlimited access and then you’ll be able to just do this. I would just do this one for, for 189, knocked that out. And then once you have this report, you’ll be good to go. Okay. So if you have any questions, let me know. Well, actually, if you have any questions, uh, email support, but you should be good. This is pretty straightforward. And I’ll see you in the next module.