3.1 Creating Your LetterStream Account (Equifax & Experian Only)
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this module
In this module, we’re going to show you how to create your LetterStream account.
Step-by-step Instructions
- Start here http://letterstream.com/
- Select “LOGIN/SIGNUP” in the top right
- Sign up under the “NEW CUSTOMER SIGNUP” Box
- Create username and password
- Enter your contact information
- Disregard “optional field at the bottom of the signup box
- Complete registration by clicking the blue “Signup Now” Button
- Check your email for sign up confirmation
- Log in using the username and password you just created
Full Video Transcript
All right, and welcome to this video. I am going to walk you through how to set up your LetterStream account. So this is the letter. This is going to be the system that you use to mail your letters without leaving your house. And it’s very, very powerful. So what you want to do is come up to the top corner and hit on where it says, login/sign up. Then you can just sign up with your username and password. So I’m just gonna type one in and just create something really easy here. So you can see me doing it as we speak. Then you want to enter in your email address. I just suggest you just make your email and username the same. Organization – you can leave that blank. And then you’ll just going to put your first and last name. And then I’m just going to put a quick phone number here, then I’m going to leave the website blank. All right. And how’d you hear about it? You can just say a friend or colleague and then hit sign up. Okay. Now, once that happens, you’re going to receive an email confirmation. So you want to pull up your email? Hopefully, I can pull up that email.
All right, I have quite a few email. I have quite a few email addresses, so I’m probably going to have to pull up this email in another window. So you’ll just pull up your email. That a must do. Nice and easy, please work. All right. Perfect. So there’s the email right there. Okay. And now it’s saying, thanks so much for signing up for your LetterStream account, then you can do your login right here. All right. So I’m going to go ahead and just copy paste this right here and go to the other window. All right. Here we go. Nice and easy. Login. So I will log in with my username right here and then my password. I think that’s pretty much it. Okay. And that’s it. So I have now created a username and password and in the next video, I’m going to walk you through how to finish setting up the rest of your LetterStream account from A to Z with the proper addresses for the bureaus, funding the account and all that good stuff. So I will see you in the next video.