3.3 Innovis Suppression
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this module
In this module, we’re going to show you on how to limit access to your Innovis Credit Report.
Step-by-step Instructions
- Start here https://www.innovis.com/securityFreeze/index
- Choose request a security freeze
- Only fill in the following information
- First name
- Last name
- Street number
- Street name
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Note: Do not enter anything else
Full Video Transcript
Welcome everyone. This is Kenney Conwell and I’m going to show you really quickly how to opt-out of Innovis. So this is really, really simple. This is one of the easier ones. So all you want to do is click this video and you are watching this video right now, but you would just click here and then you will next on step two, click on this specific link and it is going to bring you to this page. Now, once you’re at this page, you want to request a security freeze. And again, just like the previous suppressions that you did, you want to only enter the information where it’s requiring an asterisk. So put your first name, last name. Again, you don’t have to put middle initial there. You don’t have to put suffix. It does look like requiring you to put your phone number and it does requiring you to put your date of birth, but it’s not requiring you to put your social security number.
So don’t do it. It’s not requiring any of these fields. If you are a victim of identity theft, choose that, but chances are, if you’re not, just don’t do that and again you have to put this in. It looks like social security number is required. So it looks like that is required. City, zip, but address 2 is not required and the state is not required. So fill this information out. And once you do hit submit and then just save that particular request and you will be good to go. I will see you in the next file suppression.