4. Organizing Your Reports
Disclaimer: We apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors in the slides.
About this module
In this module, I’m going to cover how to organize all of your files into one place. One of the biggest causes of frustration and failure when repairing your credit is not being organized. Let’s get started!
- Why use the portal
- How to stay organized
- Creating your folders
- Uploading your reports
- Uploading your audit sheets
Full Video Transcript
Welcome everyone. Kenney Conwell here, and the purpose of this module is to show you how to organize your reports and really set the foundation. So that way, as you continue to build upon everything that we’re doing, you can stay organized. So here’s what we’re going to cover in this particular module. So the very first thing is why use Google docs? So Google docs, Google drive, Google sheets is a very, very free and powerful tool that you can use. I’m also going to show you how to stay organized. I’m going to break down how to create your folders using Google docs. Now, if you have another folder, you just want to save the stuff on your desktop, then that’s totally fine. But I just suggest using Google only because it’s going to be saved to the cloud. And if for whatever reason you need to access the documents, maybe somewhere else, all you have to do is log onto your email because your email is associated with Google, and then you’ll be good to go.
And then I’m going to show you how to upload your reports and uploading your audit sheet. So everything that you’ve done up to this point, essentially, we’re going to put in this particular Google folder. So why are we going to use Google and why use Google docs? Well, I’ve already kind of covered two reasons. Number one is it’s going to be saved in Google. So wherever you can log onto your email, you can access it. Number two, you don’t have to necessarily use or even have access to Microsoft word or Microsoft Excel. You can literally just use Google docs and you can make your edits to any document that you need to make and it’s going to literally be there. It’s really, really powerful. So what I’m going to do, is pull this up to kind of show you guys. So I have my Google drive pulled up right here.
So really I had, I created a folder inside of my Google drive as well. And you may be asking yourself, well, how do you even get to Google drive? Well, let me show you. So if you have a Gmail account, Gmail is going to give you essentially access. If you have a Gmail account, it gives you access to all of Google’s products. And Google has a lot of products. So let’s just say you wanted to, let me go over to that email. This is my personal email. So let’s just say, you’re accessing your Google, right? This is your Gmail. The first thing you can do is you can click on these little dots right here, and then you may have Google drive right here. So that’s how you access your Google drive. Now, once you’re inside of your Google drive, you can create folders. So you’ll have all the different folders. So I’ve already created this folder called credit reports, but if you will be starting to create a folder from scratch, you would just come right here and click on new and then do folder. And then you would just type credit reports. All right. Now, once you’ve done that your folder will be created. Now I’m going to delete this all that I have. And then once you’re inside the folder, you now, what I would suggest is creating one for TransUnion, nice and simple.
I will then create one for Experian, and then I would create one for Equifax. Nice and easy. All right. So, and the cool thing about Google drive is you can change to the view. Like if you want to show it that way, you can show it that way. If want to show it this way, you can show it this way. Now Google docs. So in the other modules, you were given cheat sheets, downloads, PDFs, all that good stuff to upload and essentially edit. So one of the Google drive docs that I gave you was defining your why. Okay. This is a copy of the Google doc right here. It downloaded actually as a PDF. So when you downloaded it, downloaded as a PDF and you can, if you want, which is what I suggest as it being downloaded as a PDF, you should already have created this, but when you created it, it will come over to this Google drive. You simply click on file, make a copy, update. You would have already done this. But let’s just say you wanted to save this to your Google drive. Literally what you would do is just come up here, hit the file.
And we would just file. And then we’re going to click on this little button that says move to, and then we’re going to put our credit reports and then we would just move that to this folder, right? So that’s that. So assuming you already edited this and you have all these things documented, cause you can just put down, you can type in what your stuff is. You would have that. And now when we head back over to Google and I click on my credit reports folder, actually, excuse me, let me refresh this. Cancel, refresh my drive. So when I click on credit reports, I’ll see that my Defining My Why is here and then the same thing for the audit sheet. So you would already have had this audit sheet. So I’m gonna make a copy really quickly just to show you. So you would have already completed this audit sheet, but assuming you wanted to save it and it’s already complete, you would just hit file and then you would hit move to, and then you would just put credit reports and then hit move.
And then boom. Now it’s saved. So you’ve got your audit sheet that you’ve already completed. You’ve got your S.M.A.R.T goals that you’ve already completed. I mean, your Defining your Why completed nice and easy. Exit out, exit out. And then again, Google sheets, you’ve already used it, but you see how easy it is to navigate and make stuff happen for it. So there’s a Defining your Why then if you pull your Equifax report, like I showed you how to do in the previous module, you literally would just hit download like this, Equifax, save it to your desktop. Then we’re going to go back over to Google drive. We’re going to click on this little deal right here, that says file file upload, go to where we saved our report. Then we are going to literally just, there’s our Equifax report. We can easily just now put it in the Equifax folder.
Nice and easy. And let me refresh this because I didn’t see my Google sheet. All right. So there’s our Google sheet and Experian report. You should already have that. Where is my Experian report, I don’t know if I have it up here anymore, but I did have my Experian report. So you would just save your Experian report. This right here is your S.M.A.R.T Goals worksheet, and we’ve already completed that. So let me go ahead and download this really quickly. Download. And again, I think you get the point. So you really just want to upload all of your information here. So that way it’s centralized. It’s in one place. So you want to have the your Defining your Why your audit sheet, your goals here, and then your credit reports, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion. So it’s all in one place. Let me get out of this. Get out of this. And then the other thing you want to do is if you signed up for SmartCredit or Identity IQ, you can go and download a copy of your policy.
So I’m going to show you how to download your SmartCredit identity theft policy. So you would just literally just come over here. Here is the information about the policy. So we can just hit print. And anytime you hit print on Google Chrome, which is another one that’s really powerful, you can just hit destination, save as a PDF, hit save. And then it’s literally just going to save to your download. So that way you have it as a PDF. You head back over to our credit reports and we can upload that bad boy. So there is my identity theft policy as well with SmartCredit. So we can see our S.M.A.R.T. goals is here. Our identity theft policy is here. Our audit sheet is here Defining our Why is here and we’ve uploaded our credit reports to each one of our folders and we are organized, and this is what we’re going to use and keep referencing as we continue to go through this process.
So I want to make sure I’ve covered everything. Yeah, I covered all that stuff. So that’s really it. So get this knocked out, organize your stuff. Use Google drive because you’ll be able to access this anywhere. And if you need to upload or download or whatever the case is, it’s really, really simple to do. Especially if you’re using Google Chrome, you literally would just come over here to +, then you can upload, upload another folder if you want to. And then you can go directly to your docs, sheets and all that good stuff. So if I to go right here to Google docs, the other cool thing is, actually let me go back and show you this. Once you’re logged on to your Gmail account and you just type in Google docs like this, any other Google docs that you would have had associated with, and I’ve got several emails.
So that’s why I’m doing that. But any other Google docs that you would have had, if you just click on Docs right here, all the docs associated with your account would be able to be found right here, right? Which is really powerful, right? Same thing with your Google sheets and your Google docs. So there it is. Get this knocked out. It’s a real simple step, but it’s going to save you a lot of time, especially as we start getting into creating the challenge letters, because we’re going to be putting our letters in each one of these folders for each bureau, from our audit sheet. And that’s really when the rubber is going to hit the road. Also, I’m going to be breaking down some additional tips and tricks to make sure you stay on a track and stay on calendar, but get this foundational item knocked out today. And just go ahead and take the next 10-15 minutes to get all yourself organized and all saved. And I will see you in the next module.